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The Ultimate Classroom Tool- Do you teach or support a classroom of all students with autism and/or intellectual disabilities and want to have the best program where students will make progress academically, socially, communication wise and behaviorally? If yes, you have come to the right place!  This tool comes with a rubric and a scoring tool and includes the following areas: school culture, classroom environment, academics, behavior, social, sensory, health and hygiene, motor, transition and "other".  You can purchase this for $30. You will receive a presentation to help to train staff, a scoring tool and a rubric to go along with this to show what "not present", "emerging" and "meetings and exceeds" looks like.  You have an option of receiving the tool and rubric on a CD or transferred through a drop box. ALL FOR ONLY $30!  To purchase click below.  Once payment is received I will email you to discuss how you want to receive your AWESOME purchase or email me directly at to discuss other methods of payment or if you have any questions.  $30

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Green Bean Products is a company owned and run by an experienced occupational therapist, currently working in the public school system, who has also worked with neurologically involved adults. We have created the "Write Size Writing System" (Patented) for individuals with special needs related to writing difficulties. We believe in maximizing the writing potential of individuals with special needs by developing their writing skills using a systematic approach to help promote independence.

Pediatric Therapy Network’s primary objective is to empower families with evidence-based interventions and superior therapeutic services in the home and community setting. We value an integrative team approach including the family, the physician and other team members so that our families obtain the most positive and effective therapy outcomes possible for their children. Pediatric Therapy Network maximizes a child’s potential by providing therapy that meets the specific and individual needs of their family.

 The PACT:

A great resources for schools and teachers. 

Research-Based 4-Step Teaching Framework

Bridges the Gap Between General Education & Special Education

Provides a Blueprint for Universal Design for Learning

Systemizes Instruction for Learners & Teaching Staff

Directly Aligned to the Common Core Standards

Autism Learning Partners: ABA therapy.

Our field-based clinicians know that the best path to progress starts right in your home, school or community.

It’s all about your family's individual needs. At Autism Learning Partners, we do our best working from home…. your home.

SensAble Kids provides a holistic, integrated approach of the mind and body to promote optimal growth and development so children are better able to manage their emotions, communicate effectively, engage with others and the world, and function as independently as possible. OT, Speech and MNRI Therapy. 

Timocco is an online, motion gaming platform that motivates children with disabilities to reach their goals by enhancing their motor, cognitive and communication skills, all while having fun! Timocco is easy to use and to track data, requiring only a computer and a webcam to get started! 

More to come! Stay tuned! 

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